Expressions of Interest
Volunteer Camp Hosts Required for the Julia Creek RV Site:
McKinlay Shire Council is proud to offer a free RV Site for self-contained RVs and Caravans (toilet and shower on board) for 96 hours. The effective running of this site is not possible without Volunteer Camp Hosts.
Camp Hosts are required for 2024, please contact Council to discuss further 07 4746 7166.
T2425001 – Register of Pre-Qualified Suppliers for Yard Maintenance Services:
McKinlay Shire Council invites tenders from suitably qualified tenderers for appointment to Council’s register of pre-qualified suppliers of Services (ROPS) for a period of two (2) years commencing September 2024.
Council is looking to appoint suppliers in respect of the following services categories:
Yard Maintenance
- Scope of Services
- The scope shall include but is not limited to labour by a licensed and experienced person(s) related to the provision of labour, plant and equipment for total maintenance of lawns inclusive of mowing, whipper snipping, pruning, weeding and poisoning as per the directive given for each property. Yard maintenance will be required at Council Residences Aged Persons Residences, Childcare Centre, McIntyre Park and Father Bill Busuttin Community Centre as directed by Council Staff in the Julia Creek Township. Please note: No poisoning permitted unless agreed to in writing by Council.
- Suppliers and their Personnel are to undergo a national criminal history record check and must be renewed every three (3) years as required under the CHSP Commonwealth Home Support Program.
- Lawns are to be mowed every fortnight in summer and every three (3) weeks in winter. Please note: Days scheduled need to be consistent and are to be agreed to with the CHSP Co-Ordinator. Forms are to be completed and submitted
- Unless otherwise directed by Council, copies of the following policies/licences for the Supplier and each member of the Supplier’s Personnel (where applicable) are to be provided to Council prior to engagement:
Suppliers are required to submit their responses through Vendor Panel by 5:00pm Friday August 2.
The appropriate information is available at https://www.vendorpanel.com.au/PublicTenders.aspx?emcc=5E70F4151FB2
T2425002 – McKinlay Shire Council HACC Building Repurposing
The Julia Creek HACC Building is owned and operated by McKinlay Shire Council. Council would like to refurbish and repurpose the facilities into a residential building.
The purpose of this project is to;
- Undertake an internal strip out of the rooms as specified and upgrade the facilities.
- Demolish existing decking and external slab, construct new decking and footpath.
- Undertake repair of the identified structural defects
- Any other works required to complete the project
Suppliers are required to submit their responses through Vendor Panel by 5:00pm Friday August 16.
The appropriate information is available at https://www.vendorpanel.com.au/PublicTenders.aspx?emcc=5E70F4151FB2
Publishing details of contractual arrangements
A Local Government must, as soon as practicable after entering into a contractual arrangement worth $200,000 or more (exclusive of GST), publish the relevant details of the contractual arrangement on the local government’s website; and display the relevant details of the contractual arrangement in a conspicuous place in the local government’s public office.
The relevant details must be published or displayed under subsection (1) Section 237 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 for a period of at least 12 months.
Contract List 2023 -2024
Contract List 2022 - 2023
Contract List 2021-2022
Contract List 2020-2021
Contract List 2019-2020
Contract List 2018-2019
Contract List 2017-2018
Contract List 2016-2017