
Councillor Details

Janene Fegan


Cr Janene Fegan (Mayor)

Phone: 0429 468 485
Council Portfolio: Governance & Finance


Born in Cairns, Janene was raised in Hawaii then lived and worked throughout Queensland. After completing her nursing training in Mackay in 1990 she briefly worked at the Townsville General Hospital before travelling and working overseas. Janene moved to Julia Creek in 1992 to take up a Registered Nurses position at the Julia Creek Hospital. It was here that she met her husband Trevor, a local electrician, originally from Milgery Station near McKinlay. Janene also worked part-time at Richmond Hospital and casually as a barmaid at all the Julia Creek watering holes. Once the children came along, Janene lived on the family property for 8 years before moving back to Julia Creek. Janene has four young adult children. She and her husband own an electrical/refrigeration and retail business in Julia Creek and Normanton.

Over the years she has been involved with several committees and community services. She became in councillor in 2016 and served two terms and now is currently in her  3rd term as Mayor.

Janene enjoys being able to give back to her community and has learned a lot from her different roles in the committees she was involved with. 

Her hobbies include travelling, water skiing, swimming, fishing, cooking and reading when she has time.

Shauna Royes


Cr Shauna Royes (Deputy Mayor)

Phone: 0427 467 666
Council Portfolio: Community Services

Shauna was born in Julia Creek and raised on local properties such as Dalgonally, Canobie, Millungera and 6 years at Burleigh Station north of Richmond.  Schooling consisted of primary correspondence in Brisbane to then completing high school studies at the Julia Creek State School. Shauna has worked in the stock and station industry most of her life and currently is employed by Booth Rural Julia Creek Branch. 

Shauna has always been passionate about the community and contributing in way of serving on committees and clubs such as the Julia Creek Rodeo Association, Julia Creek Campdraft, Isolated Children and Parents Association, QCWA and currently the president of the Julia Creek Pony Club.

Shauna is thankful to be in her third term of Council having been first elected in 2016, and has thoroughly enjoyed the past two terms of Council.  She is looking forward to the next 4 years working with our great community and people that live in it and working towards goals that keep our shire improving its diversity.

Shauna states that there is nowhere else she would rather be born, Julia Creek is where she calls home and is the best place to live and work.

Shauna lives with her partner Jim and spends any free time with family, friends and a menagerie of animals. 

John Lynch


Cr John Lynch

Phone: 0428 468 797
Council Portfolio: Engineering Services


John Lynch has lived in McKinlay Shire all of his life. He completed eight years of schooling in Townsville before returning to work on the land for his family's grazing operation based at Ouchy Station. He now lives at Viola Station in the northwest of McKinlay Shire with his three young adult/teenage children.

John has been operating the family beef and wool operation and a trucking company for a number of years. He is also an active member of the Julia Creek Lion’s Club, and for the last 38 years he has enjoyed being involved in Sedan Dip Sports & Recreation Club, and continues to participate in many local community events, that support many groups of his community.

John has over 30 years’ experience in running businesses, watching market and business trends and using innovation whilst keeping sight of the ‘bigger picture’ that helps in decision-making, whilst also factoring in the needs of the people involved.  “McKinlay Shire has a lot to offer – our strong local culture based on our people, leading in primary production, transport, industry and tourism, and I aim to work at cultivating and developing ventures that help us to grow in strength and reputation.”

Through living and working in McKinlay Shire, John has come to recognise the importance of a cohesive and strong local community where comradery and mateship prove to be the ‘glue’ that keeps a community together; important through the extremely challenging times in recent years and ahead.

John's objective is to help steer the McKinlay Shire to be profitable, productive and progressive whilst providing for the people of the shire.



Cr Luke Spreadborough

Phone: 0428 467 664
Council Portfolio: Environment & Regulatory Services        Please Note: Whilst Cr John Lynch is on leave, Cr Spreadborough is responsible for Engineering Services


Luke is a fully-fledged born and bred local having been one of the many children  born in the old Julia Creek Hospital.  Luke’s primary schooling was made up of Distance Education and attending the St Joseph’s Convent in Julia Creek where he became a weekly boarder, spending weekends and holidays at the Spreadborough family home of Spoonbill Station in the northern end of the Shire.  Luke attended boarding school in Charters Towers to complete high school and then moved on to further his studies at the Burdekin Agriculture College.  Luke studied Tropical Agriculture focusing on beef production and business management. After completing his studies, he returned to work in the family grazing operation and worked at different stations in and around the McKinlay Shire.  By doing this it allowed him to see a lot of the different areas and diversity that makes the Shire the special place that it is.

With his wife Sarah, and their three children, Sophie, Isabel and Flynn they have made their home at Spoonbill however they also have a residence in town which allows Sarah to work in the community and school the children at the local State School during the week.  Sarah and the children return to Spoonbill each weekend to enjoy station life.

Luke and his family have had a long-standing love of our community and he believes it is because of the people in it who make it a great place to live. Luke enjoys giving back to the community by volunteering and being active members in some of the not-for-profit groups within the community.




Cr Fiona Malone

Phone: 0437 467 353
Council Portfolio: Tourism & Economic Development


Fiona has lived within the McKinlay Shire for approximately 40 years after arriving here in Year 10 and attending Julia Creek State High School. Once Fiona completed boarding school for Year 11 & 12 in Charters Towers, she returned and worked at several different businesses in Julia Creek.  Fiona met her husband Colin, who is 3rd generation to the area and after marrying they had two sons (Cody and Clay) who were raised in the Shire and continue to return at every opportunity. She believes this is testament to our wonderful community and its positive effect on its residents.

Fiona has experienced life within the Shire living on the land, in town (Julia Creek) as well as most weekends at Kynuna, where they run cattle as a family business along with their two sons. For the last 15 years, Fiona has been the sole proprietor of Cooleebah Gifts which has given her an understanding of the challenges small businesses face within our Shire and the growth we have experienced over the past few years. Over the years, the Malone family have been active members of lots of different committees and continue to be a part of the Julia Creek Western Riding Club, Kynuna Rural Fire Brigade and Kynuna Rodeo and Sporting Association.  

Fiona believes in listening open mindedly, non-judgmentally and having learnt through small business, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  Fiona  wholeheartedly would like to continue to give to our community and be a part of the positive progress within our shire.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               


  • Register of Interests of a Councillor - Fiona Malone (PDF) - To be anounced.