
Mission Statement

A sustainable community

A great place to live with a well connected, strong, healthy and friendly community, McKinlay Shire will continue to sustain and grow as a place that represents the best  aspects of outback living. McKinlay Shire supports a  growing population to meet the key thresholds for social, health, education and commercial services and also  underpins a sustainable, diversified rural economy. The community welcomes new industries that contribute to its overall vision and sustainability.
Ongoing improvements to infrastructure, amenities and services will continue to improve the healthiness and quality of life for residents and make McKinlay Shire an increasingly attractive and connected place for residents, tourists and visitors. Through good governance and  partnerships, we strive to achieve quadruple bottom line outcomes that maximise the social, cultural,  environmental and economic benefits of all our future actions.

A well-managed shire

A focus on Council’s leadership and management of the shire and its assets.

A sustainable environment

A focus on the shire’s built and natural environments and supporting infrastructure.

A vibrant community

A focus on the health, wellbeing and general quality of life for the community.

A strong economy

A focus on economic development to create employment growth and opportunity.